Celebraciones de 70 Aniversario de la Victoria en Rusia y Novorossia
El desfile militar en la Republica Popular de Donetsk: el comandante legendario del batallón “Sparta” - Arsenio Pavlov, apodado Motorola, con su unidad, y su compañero de armas "Givi Mata-nazis" - ambos son los heroes de la gente de Donetsk, quienes estan tirando claveles a sus transportes blindades de personal.
Las medias nazis de Ucrania, que sirven a los titeres de EEUU, unas veces anunciaban sobre la muerte de Motorola. Cada vez, apareciendo en publico, Motorola mismo desmentia esas noticias.
(Motorola vestido de negro)
Tarakihi's diary
10 May 2015
9 May 2015
DíaDeLaVictoria70: Desfile de la Victoria en la Plaza Roja 2015 (VERSIÓ...
9 de mayo 2015: el desfile militar en la Plaza Roja para celebrar el 70 aniversatio de la Victoria.
1 Jun 2014
This video with the famous song is dedicated to Donbass (Donetsk, Lugansk) Resistance, and shows the continuity of anti-fascist struggle while featuring Italian and Soviet partisans during the WW2, as well as Cuban and Zapatista guerillas.
5 May 2014
Behind the Masks in Ukraine, Many Faces of Rebellion
New York Times
Pro-Russian militiamen in the backyard of their base in Slovyansk, in eastern Ukraine, last week. CreditMauricio Lima for The New York Times
SLOVYANSK, Ukraine — The rebel leader spread a topographic map in front of a closed grocery store here as a Ukrainian military helicopter flew past a nearby hill. Ukrainian troops had just seized positions along a river, about a mile and a half away. The commander thought they might advance.
He issued orders with the authority of a man who had seen many battles. “Go down to the bridge and set up the snipers,” the leader, who gave only a first name, Yuri, said to a former Ukrainian paratrooper, who jogged away.
Yuri commands the 12th Company, part of the self-proclaimed People’s Militia of the Donetsk People’s Republic, a previously unknown and often masked rebel force that since early April has seized government buildings in eastern Ukraine and, until Saturday, held prisoner a team of European military observers it accused of being NATO spies.
His is one of the faces behind the shadowy paramilitary takeover. But even with his mask off, much about his aims, motivations and connections remains murky, illustrating why this expanding conflict is still so complex.
Yuri, who appears to be in his mid-50s, is in many ways an ordinary eastern Ukrainian of his generation. A military veteran, he survived the Soviet collapse to own a small construction business in Druzhkovka, about 15 miles south of here. (Read more below the cut...)
Pro-Russian militiamen in the backyard of their base in Slovyansk, in eastern Ukraine, last week. CreditMauricio Lima for The New York Times
SLOVYANSK, Ukraine — The rebel leader spread a topographic map in front of a closed grocery store here as a Ukrainian military helicopter flew past a nearby hill. Ukrainian troops had just seized positions along a river, about a mile and a half away. The commander thought they might advance.
He issued orders with the authority of a man who had seen many battles. “Go down to the bridge and set up the snipers,” the leader, who gave only a first name, Yuri, said to a former Ukrainian paratrooper, who jogged away.
Yuri commands the 12th Company, part of the self-proclaimed People’s Militia of the Donetsk People’s Republic, a previously unknown and often masked rebel force that since early April has seized government buildings in eastern Ukraine and, until Saturday, held prisoner a team of European military observers it accused of being NATO spies.
His is one of the faces behind the shadowy paramilitary takeover. But even with his mask off, much about his aims, motivations and connections remains murky, illustrating why this expanding conflict is still so complex.
Yuri, who appears to be in his mid-50s, is in many ways an ordinary eastern Ukrainian of his generation. A military veteran, he survived the Soviet collapse to own a small construction business in Druzhkovka, about 15 miles south of here. (Read more below the cut...)
25 Feb 2014
Ukraine Defragmented: Sevastopol is Fighting Against the Coup
Historical Background: Sevastopol, having the status of the Russian Hero City (The Crimean War, The II World War)
In February 1954, Khrushchev transferred the Crimean Oblast to Ukraine, with Sevastopol retaining a special status as a Russian naval base - so with the transfer Sevastopol remained under Russia's protectorate. Over the past twenty years, in independent Ukraine, the city still retained its special status. Nevertheless, the new authorities in Kiev (better say, the "junta") who performed the February 2014 coup lead by Stefan Bandera ideas, are planning to include Sevastopol into the Ukrainian territory.
The people of Sevastopol started fighting against the Ukrainian Coup, they do not recognize the Kiev junta, and create their own city authorities and self-defense committee. In this way, Sevastopol recognized that its heroic traditions still live in people's memory.
A people's meeting in Sevastopol against the Ukrainian Coup
In February 1954, Khrushchev transferred the Crimean Oblast to Ukraine, with Sevastopol retaining a special status as a Russian naval base - so with the transfer Sevastopol remained under Russia's protectorate. Over the past twenty years, in independent Ukraine, the city still retained its special status. Nevertheless, the new authorities in Kiev (better say, the "junta") who performed the February 2014 coup lead by Stefan Bandera ideas, are planning to include Sevastopol into the Ukrainian territory.
The people of Sevastopol started fighting against the Ukrainian Coup, they do not recognize the Kiev junta, and create their own city authorities and self-defense committee. In this way, Sevastopol recognized that its heroic traditions still live in people's memory.
A people's meeting in Sevastopol against the Ukrainian Coup
(Translator note: “Bandera Followers” used in the article is
referred to the ultra radical far right organizations and parties, that
currently constitute the muscle of “Maidan”. Stephan Bandera was the notorious
head of UPA – a military arm of Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, which
collaborated closely with Nazis during the WWII and continued fighting against
the USSR until mid-fiftie). During that time UPA participated in numerous acts
of genocide against Jewish, Polish , Russian and even Ukrainian population).
Currently in the most countries of the post USSR - “bandera followers” is equal
to “fascist” much like “hitleryte”=”nazi”.)
Today, I attended the “anti-Bandera” meeting in Sevastopol.
Never expected it could be so great. Initially I estimated that there were
around 5-10 thousand people present, but later count showed that the meeting
was attended by 20-25 thousand. And this in the city where the average
political gathering has never been larger than a few dozen (or sometimes a few
hundred) people. Today, Sevastopol truly rose and showed the largest
“anti-Bandera” meeting in its own post-Soviet history, but the largest one on
the whole South-East of Ukraine.
The threat of fascism united us all. The meeting was
supported by almost all city’s political organizations, some of which had
completely opposite different views on other issues. There were flags of
Russia, Russian Empire, Communist Party, “Russian Block” and of other patriotic
organizations. There were also portraits of Stalin, Victory flags and flags of
Soviet Navy. Bandera’s followers (fascists) managed to distract various people
with different political beliefs from their usual bickering, and separate them
from their comfortable couches, and to come out and voice their opinion in the streets.
Hopefully it will be heard in Kiev. Those Bandera followers were awfully proud
that they managed to collect 20 thousand on Maidan in a multimillion Kiev and
claimed that they represented the will of the whole country. Sevastopol has now
shown how many people can really be gathered in a relatively small city, if the
final goal was clear and people were ready to fight for it.
25 Oct 2013
La prueba
))_ Por este post verifico que soy verdadera Tarakihi, la que dejo el comentario por el enlace siguiente:
14 Sept 2013
Sup Marcos invita a Pussy Riot a visitar "la escuelita
Que pensamos nosotros rusos sobre este acto de estupidez de la partte de un destacado izquierdista mexicano? Por que la izquierda mexicana parece simpatizar a la asi llamada "oposicion rusa", alimentada y soportada por EEUU?
....Por eso hemos mandado invitación, entre much@s, a
algunas, algunos, que simbolizan no sólo lo absurdo de pretender encerrar la
libertad, también, y sobre todo, la digna resistencia y la perseverancia de
quienes no son vencidos por guardias, paredes y rejas.r eso hemos mandado
invitación, entre much@s, a algunas, algunos, que simbolizan no sólo lo absurdo
de pretender encerrar la libertad, también, y sobre todo, la digna resistencia
y la perseverancia de quienes no son vencidos por guardias, paredes y rejas.
Maria Alyójina, Yekaterina Stanislávovna Samutsévich y
NadezhdaTolokónnikova. - Rusas, integrantes del grupo de rock punk “Pussy
Riot”. Su delito: denunciar la imposición de Vladimir Putin con la complicidad
del alto clero de la Iglesia Ortodoxa rusa. Fueron detenidas y tomadas
prisioneras por tocar música punk en una iglesia. La rola pedía a la
madre de dios que echara a Putin del gobierno. Fueron sentenciadas a dos
años en prisión por haber “socavado el orden social”.
Esto en el país que se precia de haberse
liberado de la “tiranía comunista”.
Desde las montañas del Sureste Mexicano.
Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos.
26 agosto 2012
Universalmente admiradas, Pussy Riot (o PR en resumen) han
sido presentadas como superestrellas. ¿Pero que son? No son un grupo rock o
punk. Un periodista británico se asombraba: no producen música, no pintan,
nada, rien, nothing. ¿Cómo puede describírselas como artistas? Esto no deja de
ser una severa prueba para sus partidarios, pero la han superado con buena
nota: ese famoso amante del arte, el Departamento de Estado estadounidense ha
pagado por su primer single, siendo producido por The Guardian a partir de
ciertas imágenes y sonidos.
Podemos soportar obscenidad y blasfemia; soy un gran
admirador de Notre Dame de Fleurs de Jean Genet, que combina ambas. Sin
embargo, PR nunca ha escrito, compuesto o pintado nada de valor. Chris Randolph
las ha defendido en Counterpunch comparándolas con el “controvertido Yegor
Letov”. Que comparación más confusa. Letov compuso poesía, llena de
obscenidades pero aún así poesía, mientras que las PR no han hecho nada excepto
Relaciones Públicas.
12 Sept 2013
Тони Карталуччи, Underinformation, Греция
Западная информационная кампания в поддержку Пусси-Райот в сто раз хуже, чем пропаганда советских времен
Who or What is Russia's "Pussy Riot?"
West’s “Pussy Riot” media coverage worse than “Soviet era” propaganda.
by Tony Cartalucci
August 6, 2012 - Accurately described as bigots and hooligans, the 3 member musical band known as “Pussy Riot” is now on trial for “hooliganism motivated by religious hatred.” This came after they burst into a church in Moscow, disturbing the peace while mocking the beliefs of practitioners in an attempt to protest against Russian President Vladimir Putin. Had skinheads done something similar in a synagogue in the West, surely they’d have long ago paid steep fines and begun their lengthy jail sentences for “public insults based on origin, religious affiliation, race or ethnicity” (and here).
Тони Карталуччи, Underinformation, Греция
Западная информационная кампания в поддержку Пусси-Райот в сто раз хуже, чем пропаганда советских времен
Who or What is Russia's "Pussy Riot?"
West’s “Pussy Riot” media coverage worse than “Soviet era” propaganda.
by Tony Cartalucci
August 6, 2012 - Accurately described as bigots and hooligans, the 3 member musical band known as “Pussy Riot” is now on trial for “hooliganism motivated by religious hatred.” This came after they burst into a church in Moscow, disturbing the peace while mocking the beliefs of practitioners in an attempt to protest against Russian President Vladimir Putin. Had skinheads done something similar in a synagogue in the West, surely they’d have long ago paid steep fines and begun their lengthy jail sentences for “public insults based on origin, religious affiliation, race or ethnicity” (and here).
The Guardian’s article titled, “Pussy Riot trial ‘worse than Soviet era’,” opens immediately with overt propaganda, describing the courtroom and Russian flag as “shabby” and a police dog as “in search of blood.” The British paper attempts to portray Russia itself as having a “stark divide” between conservatives and liberals, the latter fighting against the state “with any means it can.”
Already the Guardian runs into trouble – by portraying Russia as “divided” it is dismissing recent elections that granted Vladimir Putin and his United Russia party a sound mandate to lead the country. And while it is true that in reality, between voter turnout and Putin’s garnering the support of 63% of those that did turn out (in a 5-way race), only about 40% of Russia’s total registered voters actually voted for Putin, his mandate is still sounder than that of US President Barack Obama’s 32% in a mere 2-way race, or last year’s victory here in Thailand by Yingluck Shinawatra with a tenuous 35%, a victory hailed by the Western media as a “sweeping” mandate.

Image: Screenshot taken from the National Endowment for Democracy website featuring US funding for the NGO “GOLOS.” GOLOS allegedly was searching for “election irregularities” in Russia’s recent elections” GOLOS and other US-backed NGOs and opposition parties are now attempting to trigger an “Arab Spring” in Russia.
It should also be noted that Russia’s recent elections were marred by election monitoring NGO “GOLOS” attempting to call the results fraudulent. It would be later revealed that this NGO, billed as “independent” by the Western press, was in fact funded and directed by the US State Department via the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). Attempts by Wall Street and London to frame the elections as fraudulent set the groundwork for a wider campaign of political destabilization – a campaign “Pussy Riot” has now become a key player in.
19 Jun 2013
Russian Ethnic Round-Dance Flashmob in Siberia
In Novosibirsk:
- Do you recognise it?
- Of course. A legendary video.
- Cool! Let's do it again, but all throughout Siberia!
- Let's!
The flashmob took place from 3 to 12 June in 9 Siberian cities, including Novosibirsk, Omsk, Irkutsk, Kemerovo, Abakan, Kyzyl, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk.
More than 3 thousand young people took part in the event.
The accompanying music is traditional Russian chant performed by a folk choir, but interpreted in a rock style. The dance includes ethnic elements (a Russian round-dance, "khorovod"), and elements of break-dance. Also, the traditional dance of Far East peoples was included (city of Abakan).
- Do you recognise it?
- Of course. A legendary video.
- Cool! Let's do it again, but all throughout Siberia!
- Let's!
The flashmob took place from 3 to 12 June in 9 Siberian cities, including Novosibirsk, Omsk, Irkutsk, Kemerovo, Abakan, Kyzyl, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk.
More than 3 thousand young people took part in the event.
The accompanying music is traditional Russian chant performed by a folk choir, but interpreted in a rock style. The dance includes ethnic elements (a Russian round-dance, "khorovod"), and elements of break-dance. Also, the traditional dance of Far East peoples was included (city of Abakan).
6 Jun 2013
Operación Sofía
In continuation of my previous post which speaks of the Guatemalan right wing's feedback to Rios-Montt trial. The main idea of Guatemalan right is to reject the term of "genocide" and replace it with the term "internal armed conflict" for the purposes of, as I see it, 1) changing the penalty for Rios Montt and his men for lighter term, and 2) presenting Guatemala in a more favourable light before the U.S. (or international community), because "genocide" sounds bad, but "internal conflict" is much more acceptable.
But going back to Guatemala's history provides enough information to prove that genocide took place. For example, we may look through the general timeline of events, and choose details of Victoria 82 and Sofia military operations which were run based on "frijoles and fusiles" policy, where civilians didn't receive any "frijol" as promised by military rhetorics, but just "fusiles".
Indigenous people being misplaced by the army.
But going back to Guatemala's history provides enough information to prove that genocide took place. For example, we may look through the general timeline of events, and choose details of Victoria 82 and Sofia military operations which were run based on "frijoles and fusiles" policy, where civilians didn't receive any "frijol" as promised by military rhetorics, but just "fusiles".
Indigenous people being misplaced by the army.
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