
3 Nov 2011

Los rusos etnicos

Manana es el Dia de Unidad popular rusa (ex-dia de Revolucion).  Ahora en Rusia hay tendencia a celebrarlo como el dia de la etnia rusa. 

Tomorrow Russia will celebrate the Day of National Unity (former Revolution Day). Yet, in spite of official ideology, Russians tend to celebrate this holiday as a day of  Russian ethnicity.

Video: Russian Ethnic Type:

Mexico, state of Oaxaca. Mexico.  A Kindergarted named after Anton Makarenko, a prominent educator of early Soviet years.


("More alive than all the living" - in the Soviet Union, this slogan was historically applied to Vladimir Lenin)


Below is a link to re-posted essay by a popular Russian blogger arguing a creation of a global collective myth about a Libyan leader, be the latter dead of still alive. Internationally, the new myth is equalling the legend of Che Guevara and his revolutionary Odyssea .

In spite of blackening Western propaganda, Gaddafi has become a symbol of "genuineness", so unexpectedly rare in the era of mass consumerism. According to the old English proverb, he finally happened to "practice what he preached". This has made Gaddafi a folk hero regardless to his alleged death or assumed living.

 Gaddafi has instantly become a cherished and long sought hero of several Russian generations who are currently forced to live under a huge liberal pressure denigrating country's brilliant past history. The loss of Russian national idea explains why Russians start looking for heroes either in their own past ( by worshipping Stalin who passed away long ago) or by creating heroes in present time while leaving grattifi "Gaddafi is alive" on the walls of their villages and cities. (Read further in Russian...)

Francisco Marroquin University as a bastion of libertarianism

By Marla Dickerson
Los Angeles Times Staff Writer (link to the article)
June 6, 2008
Guatemala City

Leftist thinking left off the syllabus

Leftist ideology may be gaining ground in Latin America. But it will never set foot on the manicured lawns of Francisco Marroquin University.

Leftist ideology may be gaining ground in Latin America. But it will never set foot on the manicured lawns of Francisco Marroquin University.

A New Russian Investigation Re: Chile's "Economic Miracle"

A book by a Russian historian Nikolai Platoshkin about an "economic miracle" in Chile.

Н.Н.Платошкин. Чили, 1970-1973 гг.
 Издательство Русский Фонд Содействия образованию и науке, Москва, 2011г.б 488 стр.

This book presents an investigation of the period in Chilean history coinciding with Allende’s presidential term (1970-1973). The Author also provides a short analysis of the previous Chile’s history


 This is a text about Russian with an insight into mechanisms of world economy


By Israel Shamir

(A lecture on Economics delivered at Rhodes Forum on October 9, 2011)

The crisis peaking in Britain is of a Caribbean-sea-pirate type: long time no trophies, while lifestyle has to be maintained. Neoliberal policies have undermined the toughest folk on earth, hard-working, prudent, obedient, stiff-upper-lipped red-faced Brits, the people who managed India, burned down the White House and withstood Hitler. Their backbone – Yorkshire miners and Sheffield steel workers – was broken by their Golders Green grocer-at-large, a.k.a. the Iron Lady. She folded down the industries, and turned the Isles into a Tortuga-like pirate paradise, a place for financiers to relax, unwind and plan their raids.

Russian Golden Autumn

This is a link to an album of photos relating to an ancient Russian city of Souzdal, now a tourists attraction place.

Suzdal (Central Russia). Our Savior and St Euphimius Monastery (now a museum complex). Monks' Residence.

Souzdal (Rusia central). El monasterio de Nuestro Salvador (ahora el museo).