
3 Nov 2011


("More alive than all the living" - in the Soviet Union, this slogan was historically applied to Vladimir Lenin)


Below is a link to re-posted essay by a popular Russian blogger arguing a creation of a global collective myth about a Libyan leader, be the latter dead of still alive. Internationally, the new myth is equalling the legend of Che Guevara and his revolutionary Odyssea .

In spite of blackening Western propaganda, Gaddafi has become a symbol of "genuineness", so unexpectedly rare in the era of mass consumerism. According to the old English proverb, he finally happened to "practice what he preached". This has made Gaddafi a folk hero regardless to his alleged death or assumed living.

 Gaddafi has instantly become a cherished and long sought hero of several Russian generations who are currently forced to live under a huge liberal pressure denigrating country's brilliant past history. The loss of Russian national idea explains why Russians start looking for heroes either in their own past ( by worshipping Stalin who passed away long ago) or by creating heroes in present time while leaving grattifi "Gaddafi is alive" on the walls of their villages and cities. (Read further in Russian...)

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